Chart Dashboard

A chart dashboard is a type of dashboard that uses charts and graphs to display information and data in a visual form. It provides users with an at-a-glance overview of key metrics and trends, making it easy to quickly understand and analyze data.

  1. Pie charts: These display data as slices of a pie. They are useful for showing proportions and percentages.
  2. Bar charts: These display data as bars of varying heights. They are useful for comparing data across different categories.

A chart dashboard is provided in this software. Which has different charts that explain different things. For example, the institution has a student attendance chart, staff attendance chart, students fee chart, and account chart which are explained in detail below.

1) Student Attendance Chart

A student attendance chart is a pie chart that shows what percentage of students are present in the institution and what percentage of students are absent and also shows what percentage of students were on leave and what percentage of students were attendance not taken.

2) Staff Attendance Chart

A staff attendance chart is a pie chart that shows what percentage of staff are present in the institution and what percentage of staff are absent and also shows what percentage of staff were on leave and what percentage of staff were attendance not taken.

3) Students Fee Chart

The Student Fees Chart is a pie chart that shows the percentage of fees collected/paid and the percentage of fees not collected/unpaid in the current month. It also provides an option to check the previous month's fee collection report.

4) Account Chart

A chart of accounts is a bar chart that shows how much the balance has been credited or debited so you can easily see how much you have earned and how much you have spent. This will also let you know which expenses are the highest.

These are only basic reports, if you are looking for any other type of report, please contact us and we will create that report for you with the help of this software.

Key Features

Student Attendance Reports
Staff Attendance Reports
Student Fees Collection Reports
Account Debit or Credit Reports